How long are the retreats?
One day retreats are 9.30-6pm and overnight retreats are 10am to 11am(next day)
What can I expect at the retreats?
A combination of circle conversation/workshops, team-based camp games, small groups ratios participants to leaders.
Why can we not have cell phones?
Firstly there is no cell service (There is a landline in the office for emergency use) but more importantly breaking free from our phones for a set period of time is good mental health practice.
Do you accommodate dietary restrictions?
Rising Villages are nut free retreats so no nuts of any sort permitted, we absolutely can and will accommodate any and all dietary restrictions.
Do you place friends together in the same group?
We will always ask if there is a friend you know- however there can be benefits to NOT being with your friend because without that security you tend to meet new people more easily.
I can’t afford the full fee.
Please let us know a bit about your situation and know we will do everything we can from sliding scale standpoint to ensure money is not a barrier.
Where can I donate to help send someone to a retreat?
In our SHOP section you will see a donation option- you can add as many “donations” of $50 as you like and all that goes directly to camp fees!
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